Prototype reviews

A Prototype Review is a video-based session where you meet with one of Fable’s testers and walk them through your interactive prototype. Testers provide feedback to help shape your user experience, pre-code. In this article, you’ll find the following information about a Prototype Review:

Illustration: Prototype with wireframes, the one in the right column is pink with a black X in the middle

Integrate accessibility into your product development life cycle by considering it early and often.

When to use a Prototype Review

You should schedule a Prototype Review if you’re looking to:

  • Validate your design choices with an assistive technology user.
  • Gather feedback early in the product development life cycle.
  • Reduce development time down the line by addressing accessibility issues early.
  • Learn more about users’ needs to annotate your designs for accessibility.

How to create a prototype review

Request a Prototype Review by selecting the New Request button when logged in to Fable Engage. All requests need to live within a project. Select an existing project or create a new one.

You will need to know:

  • Who you want to meet with. Choose an assistive technology type (required) and other details (optional).
    • Prototype Reviews are only available with screen magnification and alternative navigation users.
  • What you’d like to learn. Enter a description to provide context for the tester.
  • When you’d like to meet. Enter your date and time options.
    • If you’re not ready to schedule a date and time yet, choose any time and save for later.
    • Please choose a date and time that is at least 48 hours in the future.
  • How the tester will access your prototype.
    • Include all live links that you plan on using during the session.
    • Provide login details, if needed, by selecting an existing environment or creating a new environment.

Save for later or publish your request right away.

What to expect after a Prototype Review

After you publish your Prototype Review request:

  • Our moderators will review your request before it’s released to testers. We’ll contact you if anything needs adjusting.
  • When a tester has been scheduled for your request, you will receive an email with the calendar invitation and a Zoom link.
  • The full video recording and transcription will show on your dashboard after the session.

After you’ve reviewed your results, you can:

  • Create video clips to share with others. If your team includes folks that are new to accessibility, this is a great opportunity to book a watch party to review the findings together.
  • Review the transcript to help you write takeaways from the session.