Planning your User Interview


When it comes to running an effective User Interview, a little planning can go a long way. We’ve outlined some points to help kickstart your planning.

Planning your User Interview2024-04-08T19:31:44-04:00

Task flows: A tester’s perspective


When creating a Compatibility Test on Fable, the type of feedback you get can often depend on the type of instructions you give in your task flow. Here are some tips to help you get exactly the kind of feedback you’re looking for.

Task flows: A tester’s perspective2024-04-08T18:38:44-04:00

The top 5 things you should know when working with people with a disability


Just because you meet one disabled person who isn’t comfortable doing a particular thing, doesn’t mean that everyone else with that same disability is also uncomfortable with it. When in doubt, just ask. We know what we’re good at, what skills we have, and what we struggle with – just like anyone else.

The top 5 things you should know when working with people with a disability2024-04-08T18:34:53-04:00