Illustration of a UX researcher. The person is holding a pen and pink sticky notes, while pointing at a presentation that shows three user personas, a growing bar graph.
Illustration of a UX researcher. The person is holding a pen and pink sticky notes, while pointing at a presentation that shows three user personas, a growing bar graph.

The UX researcher’s guide to getting started with accessibility research

Banner with a white background and pink border with the text The UX researcher's guide to getting started with accessibility research. Under the text is an illustration of a person holding a pink pen and a pad of sticky notes.

The UX researcher’s guide to getting started with accessibility research

Many UX researchers want to conduct more meaningful accessibility testing with their products – and that means including people with disabilities in the process. While organizational commitment to introducing accessible user research methods may be high, progress can easily get bogged down by endless discussions and brainstorming sessions. Despite best intentions, over-analysis can block the path forward.

The truth is that achieving your inclusive product design goals doesn’t have to be a massive undertaking from day one. You can start small and build at a pace that makes sense for your organization. But there are some foundational steps to get right before you jump into recruiting and screening research participants. This article is a great place to start.

Keep reading to access practical advice on how to build on your existing research skills, scope your accessibility research smarter, and achieve the early wins that keep enthusiasm high and momentum strong.

Inclusive UX research methods make a big impact

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve already bought into the value of doing accessibility research early in the product development process and repeating it often. Here’s why that mindset – often referred to as “shifting left” – will set your organization up for success:

  • Competitive differentiation. Organizations that neglect to conduct meaningful accessibility research unintentionally leave potential customers behind. There are 1.3 billion people with disabilities worldwide – around 16% of our global population. In the U.S., that number is 1 in 6 people. People with disabilities possess $13 trillion in spending power. If your digital experiences aren’t accessible, they will divert those dollars towards inclusive competitor experiences.

  • Understanding and advocating for user needs. If you aren’t including people with disabilities in your research their voices and lived experiences will be absent from product design decisions. Every product has users with disabilities. It makes sense to ensure products meet their real needs rather than assumptions.

  • Richer usability data. By including assistive technology users in your research, you gather quantitative and qualitative data on the usability of your digital products. For example, you can ask research participants who use a variety of assistive technologies, devices, and browsers to complete specific tasks or workflows in your product. This exercise unearths usability issues that help your design team prioritize the next steps in product development.

Prioritizing accessibility in the early stages of product design isn’t some futuristic ideal state. UX research teams at well-known enterprises like CVS Health, are doing it right now to great success.

“Now, thanks largely to our partnership with Fable, we have a replicable, ongoing user research process with people with disabilities… that has been very important as one of the pieces of our inclusive design work at CVS.”

CVS Health logo

Senior Accessibility Designer and Inclusive Research Lead at CVS Health

“Now, thanks largely to our partnership with Fable, we have a replicable, ongoing user research process with people with disabilities… that has been very important as one of the pieces of our inclusive design work at CVS.”

CVS Health logo

Senior Accessibility Designer and Inclusive Research Lead at CVS Health

You already have the skills to succeed

You don’t have to spend months gaining a whole new skill set before you can start doing accessibility research. The fundamental user research methods you already use still apply, including observing behaviors, asking questions, and analyzing insights.

There are some nuances to be mindful of when conducting research with assistive technology users:

  • You don’t need to worry about saturation. In user research, saturation refers to the point where meeting with one more user won’t yield additional usable insights. Since people with disabilities have diverse lived experiences and use many different assistive technologies, saturation doesn’t apply in the same way. As research participants, people with disabilities can provide more unique insights than general population participants. This doesn’t mean you need a large number of participants to get results. Testing with a handful of people with disabilities representing different abilities and using a variety of assistive technologies will provide a good mix of perspectives. This diversity means if you do want to add additional participants, saturation isn’t a concern. The “How to scope your accessibility research study” webinar covers the topic of saturation in more detail.

  • People with disabilities can add value everywhere. You don’t need to wait until you have something to “test.” People with disabilities can (and should) be included in all different stages, including defining a problem, exploring user needs, leveraging insights to kickstart a project, and testing the usability of products.

  • SUS becomes AUS with accessibility research. The System Usability Scale (SUS) for measuring people’s satisfaction with using digital products. Unfortunately, some of the questions in the SUS aren’t meaningful to people who use assistive technology. Recognizing the gaps, Fable created the Accessibility Usability Scale (AUS) to help quantify and measure an assistive technology user’s perceived usability of digital products.

Accessibility research doesn’t have to be a separate endeavor. All research will benefit from incorporating insights from people with disabilities, including traditional “gen pop.” An easy way to do this is to take your target number of participants and commit to a percentage that includes people with disabilities (e.g., if your target is 2% and you’re planning to talk to 10 participants, at least 2 should be people with disabilities.)

A design of a stack of papers with the word 'Guide' across the top

Dig further into different types of inclusive research in our Guide to inclusive design and product development.

Tips for filling your knowledge gaps

With your strong foundation of user research methods, there are still some gaps you’ll likely need to fill.

Familiarize yourself with different types of disabilities


People with visual disabilities may require magnification or contrast changes to understand content. If a person is blind, they will require an assistive technology, like a screen reader or braille display.


A person with mobility challenges will also require alternative navigation, like sip and puff or a switch system. These technologies work well with highly structured web pages that include features like clear headings.


People with cognitive disabilities could be living with conditions like traumatic brain injury, migraines, anxiety/panic disorders, autism, dyslexia, or others. These conditions impact how they engage with digital experiences.


Auditory disabilities range from partial hearing loss to complete hearing loss, including those who identify as part of the Deaf community. Their needs can include volume control, subtitles, and voiceover to interact with the audio components of digital experiences.


These conditions are commonly triggered by interactive website elements, including fast-moving objects and animations. People affected by seizures require access to a simple environment that strips these elements out.

illustration of a woman with long hair, wearing sunglasses and over-ear headphones sitting at a desk. Sound waves are emitting from the headphones. On the desk in front of her, a laptop is open. There is a white cane leaning on the desk next to her.

Get up to speed on assistive technology basics

Assistive technology (AT) refers to any device, software, or system that enhances, maintains, or improves the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. It encompasses things like captions, magnification, screen readers, and any technology that replaces the traditional mouse or keyboard.

There are a multitude of assistive technologies each offering different configurations. This is why conducting research with a variety of assistive technology users unearths such diverse perspectives and insights.

Illustration of a close-up view of a Tecla joystick and switch, representing a couple different versions of assistive controls used by those with physical challenges that make movement and speaking difficult.

Fast-track your familiarity with our comprehensive Assistive Technology Glossary.

Accelerate meaningful skill building with expert training

You can flatten your accessibility research learning curve by tapping into expert accessibility training. It’s not about understanding how to be compliant or even becoming an accessibility expert. It’s about quickly building practical skills you can apply to your accessible research projects to optimize results.

  • Build your team’s knowledge with courses designed by experts and people with disabilities.
  • Seek out training and guidance that is tailored to your unique needs.

Put learning into action with practical tutorials, like how to build accessible forms or tips for testing digital products with assistive technology users.

Graphic of a grey stack of papers against a pink background. The cover has a white speech bubble and says "FAQs"

Having questions is natural. We’ve got answers.

  • How many people do I need to test with?
  • Can our employees with disabilities do accessibility testing?
  • How much of my time will accessible research actually take?

Check out our comprehensive FAQs to find helpful answers to these and other common questions.

Getting started with (and without) a product to test

First things first: you don’t need a fully baked product or even a working prototype to conduct research with people with disabilities. For example, holding informational interviews with assistive technology users can uncover insights like common barriers in current solutions, preferred interaction patterns, and even emotional drivers around solution adoption. The answers can also help you to frame questions for additional follow-up sessions.

Once you have even a minimum viable product you can expand your research. Automated tools are handy for performing quick smoke tests and uncovering things like code-level errors or other obvious compliance issues. But remember that automation alone can’t give you insights into the human experience of using your product.

Products that “pass checks” can still fail users

Once the automation identifies issues, including people with disabilities in research will layer in critical nuance and context around what it feels like to use your product. The most effective accessibility processes don’t choose between tools and humans: they leverage both.

Software automation identifies what’s technically broken. Human insight tells you what it’s like to actually navigate your products.

Here’s how that can come to life in the enterprise: Andrew Gosine, Principal Product Designer at Slack, follows a process he calls “prototyping the path.” His team designs and builds the first versions of features and puts them in front of testers, including Fable’s pre-qualified community of people with disabilities. The Slack team uses the insights uncovered to address accessibility issues early in the process to ultimately make the final product usable for everyone.

“We try to build products by making a first pass testing with real users. We learn from them what works and what doesn’t.”

Slack logo

Andrew Gosine
Principal Product Designer at Slack

“We try to build products by making a first pass testing with real users. We learn from them what works and what doesn’t.”

Slack logo

Andrew Gosine
Principal Product Designer at Slack

Tips for getting started with your own research

Map out your goals

Start with an essential question: What do you want to learn from your research? Your research goals will dictate design and format.

  • Do you want to better understand your target users and their needs?
  • Do you need to gain a more complete understanding of assistive technologies
  • Are you investigating a known issue with your product or trying to uncover new issues your team hasn’t yet considered?

Determine the design

There are multiple ways to approach your research design.

  • Task-oriented: If you’re seeking feedback on specific user flows or product features, it’s valuable to watch assistive technology users interact with it and provide commentary. This can take the form of a live video session with screen sharing or a recording you can review and share with team members after the fact.

    • You can map out tasks for participants to complete in the research session, like logging in or completing a specific action (e.g., adding items to a cart and making a purchase).
    • It’s okay to specify the type of feedback you’d like an assistive technology user to provide. For example, do you only want them to comment on problems or would you like to know which features they find helpful too?
  • Free form: These sessions can be less structured. Consider the time spent with an assistive technology user to be an opportunity to investigate and ideate how to make a digital experience better, together.

    • You can ask open-ended questions to gather general impressions about product experiences.
    • You can also probe research participants on their experiences with assistive technology in general, challenges they often face when navigating digital experiences, and even what’s on their wish list.

Finally, choose a format

The format will depend on your resources and goals. Regardless of which way you go, it’s important to approach every research project with genuine curiosity and respect.

  • Moderated sessions can provide helpful context. Facilitating a user interview or prototype review with an assistive technology user provides the opportunity to ask questions about the technology they use and how they navigate digital products. You’ll walk away understanding anecdotal experiences and get feedback that builds both empathy and understanding.
  • Unmoderated sessions can maximize resources. If your UX research team is stretched thin you might not have time to run moderated interviews, but you can proceed with unmoderated research like surveys and usability walkthroughs. This provides you with a snapshot of core flows, functional accessibility, and usability.

With Fable, you can conduct both moderated and unmoderated research sessions with our Community of testers with disabilities.