Recurring requests

A recurring request is a feature in Fable Engage where users can set a completed request to re-run at specific intervals to measure accessibility continuously.

Once a request is completed, users have the option to set up the recurring request. Requests can recur monthly, every other month, every 3 months, or every 6 months. At this time, only unmoderated requests (Compatibility Tests and Self-Guided Tasks) can be set to recurring.

How to set up recurring requests

The recurring request can be created from the Project Details page or the Request Details. On either page, open the request’s “Options” menu and select “Set as recurring”. This option will only appear for completed tests, not tests that are in draft or in progress.

Screenshot of a section of the Project Details page in Fable Engage. It is highlighting a completed Compatibility Test request titled "Project Analytics updates (with fixes). In the top right corner of the section there is an "Options" menu that is open, showing the sub menu options of: create a copy, set as recurring, or move request.

Add the automation name, select the recurrence frequency, and specify a start date. The automation name is the title that describes the series of recurring requests.

Example automation name: Benchmark – Checkout flow

In this example, the name indicates that this recurring request is to benchmark and monitor the accessibility of a checkout flow.

Screenshot of the Setup automation screen that is presented to users when they set up a recurring request. The interface shows the request title, request details. The following fields are empty for the user to complete: Automation name, Selecting a repeat frequency, and choosing a start date.

What to expect after the recurring request is set up

The request will be automatically generated on the specified start date and will recur based on the frequency you selected. You will be notified via email after each automated submission. You have the option to cancel or modify this automation at any time from the Project Details page. Each automation will use one request for the corresponding month.

Manage existing recurring requests

Want to see a list of your existing recurring requests? In the Overview section of the Project Details page, there is a Recurring requests section. You can edit any recurring requests from here, or you can navigate to the Request Edit page by selecting “Edit recurrence” in the request’s Options menu.

From the Request Edit page, users can:

  • Edit the name
  • Delete the recurring request

Use recurring requests to track accessibility over time

An important part of creating a reliable cadence for accessibility testing is ensuring that you are testing early and often. Recurring requests can help automate this process for you. You can also use the Export feature to review and analyze results in Word or Excel.

Learn how to track accessibility with recurring requests and exports.

Screenshot of the Project Details page in Fable Engage. This page shows the details of all requests within a project. Along the left side of the interface, there is an Overview section that lists the project description, members, and a list of recurring requests. This project has one recurring request titled "Quarterly benchmark".
A screenshot of the interface for editing a recurring request in Fable Engage. This request is a self-guided task titled "Using updated Project Analytics feature". The Options menu is open, showing three options: Create a copy, edit recurrence or move request.

Support and troubleshooting

If you have any questions about setting up recurring requests or are facing any issues, email