
Use Environments to save testing environments that are needed across multiple Requests. Environments can also be setup for private access areas.

Share testing environments with the Fable community quickly and consistently across multiple Requests.

What is an Environment and when should I use one?

Environments allow you to set up private access to testing environments for testers. Once you set up an Environment, you’ll be able to use it across multiple Requests – making access simple and secure.

If an Environment is used to access a private network, Fable’s Security Team will review it with your team’s Project Manager before adding it to your subscription. Fable Engage does not support content requiring Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Learn more about what you can and can’t test using Fable Engage.

How do I set up an Environment?

  1. In the main navigation, open the dropdown menu next to your name.
  2. Choose Settings from the menu.
  3. Select Environments and then select the Create environment button.
  4. Fill out the Environment name and Environment setup instructions fields.

Environment name

What will you call your Environment? Pick a name that all members of a Project will recognize.

Environment setup instructions

In this field, provide clear instructions on how to access your testing environment. This includes any links the testers will need in order to access your testing environment.


  • If testers need to download an app: Provide a download link along with any additional access instructions
  • If testers need to access a website: Provide the website link
  • If testers need to access a staging environment: Provide a link to the environment along with any additional access instructions

What not to include

Only use Environments to provide instructions on how to access testing environments. Any additional instructions unrelated to accessing the testing environment should be included in the Request’s Special instructions/information field.

Do not include the following in an Environment:

  • Login credentials for testers (unless a unique link is required for each tester – learn more about where and how to provide login credentials)
  • Instructions for targeting specific testers (e.g., US testers only)
  • Context or background information about the Request

Troubleshooting and support

If you have questions or require platform support, email support@makeitfable.com.