Am I allowed to share video clips from a request?
Any internal company sharing is allowed. The share buttons located in the “Video files” section on any moderated request lets you send video links to anyone in your organization. You can also download clips here.
If you would like to share a video externally or add a new email domain to share a clip with, please reach out to

What tester privacy concerns should I be aware of?
Please do not ask testers any questions about their health circumstances. They are trained not to answer these questions and will politely decline.
Testers can’t use their personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers during a request. We can set up testing emails and you can ask for those in the “special instructions” when you submit a request.
If a tester’s personal information shows during a session, please contact so we can remove that information from the video recording.
Do testers need to sign an NDA for every request?
No, testers sign an NDA as part of their contract with Fable that covers all requests.
How much notice should I give for a moderated session?
Please choose a time slot that is at least 48 hours before you want to run the moderated session.
If you are submitting a request towards the end of your subscription period, the request will count towards the subscription period the request was published in, not the date when it is completed.
Do drafts count towards the total requests available in my subscription period?
No, only published requests count.
If I don’t use my requests, can they be rolled over to the next month?
No, we don’t carry requests forward. Organizations are set up with specific subscription periods to ensure that the availability of requests is consistent for testers.
Why can’t I ask questions in a Self-Guided Task or Compatibility Test?
The task description for a Self-Guided Task is meant to be easily memorable. This allows a tester to naturally explore a task flow and give a realistic narration of their experience.
Compatibility Tests are designed to evaluate accessibility and shouldn’t have a usability focus. Adding questions to a step-by-step flow can cause the task to end prematurely if a tester can’t answer the question.
To get answers to your questions, schedule a User Interview.
How do I meet with the same tester again?
If you’re interested in meeting with a tester again for a follow-up session, you should indicate in the special instructions field who you would like to meet with. We can’t guarantee that the same tester will be available, especially if it is a different request type, but we can ask the tester about their availability.
Are testers ok if I invite my whole team to a moderated session?
Some testers may be uncomfortable with a large number of people in a session. We recommend no more than 3 people: 1 moderator, 1 notetaker, and 1 observer. We encourage you to share video recordings after a session with as many people inside your organization as you like.
What should I do if the tester has technical issues during a request?
You don’t have to do anything. Testers will go on mute and call the Fable community support line for help if they have difficulties with their assistive technology.