Color Contrast
Kate Barton2022-07-04T17:17:41-04:00Color contrast is the difference in brightness, saturation, and pigment of different elements of an image that make it more (or less) difficult to see.
Color contrast is the difference in brightness, saturation, and pigment of different elements of an image that make it more (or less) difficult to see.
A Cochlear implant is a small device that stimulates the cochlear nerve to improve hearing capabilities, most often used by those with severe hearing loss or partial deafness.
Chin switches are a type of chin-operated input device. They are primarily used by those with physical challenges making it difficult for them to use a keyboard or voice control.
Captions are a text version of speech that provide information to people who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing, or by people who process written content better than audio. Captions are also useful for people who can’t turn audio on or are in a loud environment.